Placeable Base Component


With this component, actors that have placeable component can be placed on it.




Mesh Comp Tag

IGNORE for this component

Collision Tag

REQUIRED - Add a tag to the Collision you want and copy it here


Base index

Accept Placement

Accept Placement

Travel Point Tag

OPTIONAL - Add a tag to a scene component to lerp placeables to. This can be dynamic and move during placement. 0,0,0 will be used if its empty.

Base Mesh Tag

OPTIONAL - Add a tag to the Base Mesh you want and copy it here. This will be used for hover and placing animations.

Override Base M.

Leave empty if you don’t want to override

Supress Warnings

‘true’ if actor should not send warnings or errors to output log,

‘false’ if otherwise

Effect Material

If Override Base Mesh Material is false, the mesh has to have MF_Efect in Emmisive Color of all of its material for Place Effect to work as intended.

Since this is optional, it won’t give any warning if it’s not implemented.

Event Dispatcher

Core Dispatchers

Basic dispatchers to keep updated.

Last updated