HAC Components


These actor components contains everything needed to spawn and communicate with BP_HAC and its children. Just add this to your pawn and call Spawn HACs to get started. Use BPAC_HAC if you only want HAC, use BPAC_HAC_GS if you want the Grab System as well. Don’t use them together.


Spawn HACs/Spawn HAC_GSs

This function spawns HACs and attaches them to the provided roots.

Update HAC

This function contains everything needed to initialize the BP_HAC. So you can use this function in runtime to change any settings in HAC. Don’t forget that Load Finished will always be called after this function.


When Visibility is Hands, you can do hand emotes. You can find more example emotes in “HandsAndControllers/Mannequin/Anims/Emote”

Update Laser

Use this function to change which hand has laser to interact with UI and world.

Grab Action

Grab Action functions.

Event Dispatchers

Pawn Initialized

Use this to let other BPs know if initialization is finished. The content doesn't use this at the moment but it could be useful to you.

Assets Loaded

Lets you know if HAC is loaded correctly or not.

Controller/Hand Hint Cleared

Lets you know when a hint is cleared and returns what it was.

Valve Index Emulate Grip

As you may know, Knuckles doesn't have a click for its grip sensor. We added a way to emulate this. This will trigger if Grip Force is greater than 0.95. Treshold can be adjusted from component settings.

Last updated